
Heroku event image not save into the server

bleachjade opened this issue · 2 comments

  • I think Heroku is like a testing tool so they not provide us much storage to keep an image for too long. I think Whitenoise and AWS cloud could fix this problem but let help each other to find out if it works or not.

I fixed this! Finally. I'm using the Google cloud platform storage to store the event image, it works on my local server test but I'm not sure if it will work on Heroku or not.

When I push it to Heroku I faced a DB sessions problem, from the error shows that I had multiple auth sessions so I use fake migration to fixed it, and it works!

I test this function by:

  • using heroku restart and still, the photo did not disappear.
  • I wait for 1-2 hours and the photo still there so I think It working right now.