
Calendar opens in Angular 6 but is faded and I cannot click a date

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Description of problem is in the title.

<span class="dateContainer">
        <ng-datepicker [options]="exampleOptions" [(ngModel)]="date"></ng-datepicker>
        <i class="material-icons calendar">
this.exampleOptions = {
        minYear: 1970,
        maxYear: 2030,
        displayFormat: 'MMM D[,] YYYY',
        barTitleFormat: 'MMMM YYYY',
        dayNamesFormat: 'dd',
        firstCalendarDay: 0, // 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday
        minDate: new Date( - 100), // Minimal selectable date
        maxDate: new Date(,  // Maximal selectable date
        barTitleIfEmpty: 'Click to select a date',
        placeholder: 'Click to select a date', // HTML input placeholder attribute (default: '')
        addClass: 'form-control', // Optional, value to pass on to [ngClass] on the input field
        fieldId: 'my-date-picker', // ID to assign to the input field. Defaults to datepicker-<counter>
        useEmptyBarTitle: true, // Defaults to true. If set to false then barTitleIfEmpty will be disregarded and a date will always be shown

@kogden Have u found any solution for that? or the problem is because it is angular 6 ?