
Bundle the fonts instead of loading them from Google fonts

gargakshit opened this issue · 4 comments

Bundling the fonts will not make a network request each time untab's frame is injected, increasing performance. As it injects the frame into the page, the font loading (might) block the loading of other content request by the website itself. Also, if we open untab while some page asset is still loading, the asset loading is cancelled and further requests are blocked until untab's fonts are loaded


Yep, this issue is relevant and can be a good first issue.

Some details for anyone who would want to work on this:

  1. Download the Lato font and store it src/assets/fonts directory.
  2. Load the locally downloaded font instead of loading from Google Fonts.
  3. Update the build process to copy src/assets directory to dist/assets directory.

Reminds me, please keep this for me :D
I'll do it during the hacktoberfest :)

Closed via #23