
unTab window does not open in previously opened tabs

tanishqvyas opened this issue · 3 comments

Steps to replicate the issue

  1. Open a couple of tabs in the web browser (we shall refer to these tabs as formers). Make sure that when these tabs are opened, unTab isn't added as an extension.
  2. Now, add unTab as an extension.
  3. Open some more tabs now (we shall refer to these as latters).

One could notice that upon trying to open the unTab window in the formers it does not open, however when we try to do the same in latters it works fine. What causes this issue?

A request to add the question label as welll to this issue.

The reason for this behaviour is following:

  • UnTab extension works by embedding a script on every page you open after it is activated (which let's us show the interface on top of the existing page)
  • In case of formers, this script does not get added as after UnTab is installed (it does not embed the script on old pages)
  • It is important to note that the embedding of script is taken care by the browser itself and it starts embedding the script in tabs opened after the extension is activated (which here is referred to as latter)

Hope that clears the question 🙂

Possible solutions to explore:

  • see if we can manually embed script on previously opened tabs(formers).
  • Check out #48 as it is very relevant to this and might be a reasonable solution considering other pages where this script can't even be embedded.

@blenderskool Thanks a lot for the explanation. That sure helped. I'll take a look at #48.