
Odd issue on Cocoa: Column separators not drawn (but do work for e.g. resize)

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On my Mac 10.14.4 (standard theme - not dark) newest Lazarus SVN Cocoa + newest virtual treeview

My virtual treeview does not draw its column separators (those you grab and drag to resize columns)

I have tried fiddling with treeview.header.options and teeview.treeoptions.paintoptions but no luck.

Can anyone else get these to work? It is a bit confusing for people new to my software. They may think they can not resize the columns (when infact they can - mouse cursor also changes when hovering over the invisible splitter/separator)

I just tried stepping through code and I think I now know why....

Virtual Treeview uses and calls DrawEdge (with flag to paint border)

which when stepping through code ends at

First) - DrawEdge - calls WidgetSet.DrawEdge
Then) - TWidgetSet.DrawEdge - where entire code consist of "Result := False"

... So seems to be that is probably the reason...

I guess on Cocoa virtual treeview may need to code around this although I have also posted on the lazarus forum here:,46122.0.html

LCLCocoa have had an update so DrawEdge has been implemented. But I have identified a problem.

If we go to TCocoaWidgetSet.DrawEdge and see code snippets

InnLT= cl3DHiLight;
InnBRR = cl3dShadow


if (edge and BDR_INNER > 0) then
if edge and BDR_RAISEDINNER > 0 then
DrawEdgeRect(ctx, r, grfFlags, InnLT, InnBR)

The drawn borders are NOT visible in virtual treeview... but if I e.g. set those values to clRed it works...

So I think the consts used to set the InnLT and InnBR value are not valid in Cocoa?

Anyhow - this means this is really a LCLCocoa issue which I believe is/will be addressed

I've put a DrawEdge demo at

Run it on Cocoa. If is not drawing correct (compare with other widget sets), the bug is on cocoa.
This demo will help also those working on it