
Data column borders are no longer being drawn in LCL Cocoa

Opened this issue · 3 comments

What is the VirtualTreeView version / branch?

What is the Lazarus and Freepascal version?

Version 2.1.0
Date: 2020-09-13
FPC Version: 3.3.1
SVN Revision: 63882

Does the bug occurs also in Delphi?


I believe there is a bug in the Mac version...? Data column borders are not drawn.

This problem did not persist about 6 months ago using old version virtual treeview and old Lazarus/LCL/FPC source - so I am not not sure what to blame at present, but I am happy to run some experiments.

Try the current version with an older Lazarus (< v2)

changing back to my older version with some of the fixes applied from earlier issues reports continues to work. I am currently viewing both using a diff tool.

One change is that in my old USE_DELPHICOMPAT define is comment out
However does not compile with this commented out.

That error happens in 22780 in VirtualTrees
IsHeightTracking := (Message.Msg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN) and
(Will try to change to LM_LBUTTONDOWN for now or comment out and see if it helps. Will report back if USE_DELPHICOMPAT then makes any change)

UPDATE: This did now resolve the problem with the missing column borders.

Try the current version with an older Lazarus (< v2)

Is this because you suspect it is related to the new scaling code? (That code is not in the -old- version I had on storage. The -old- version works. I can email it?)