
Incorrect split caption in header multiline column

Opened this issue · 0 comments

What is the VirtualTreeView version / branch?

I test to 5.5.3 and 5.5.3R2

What is the Lazarus and Freepascal version?

I test lazarus 2.0.6 (fpc 3.0.4) and lazarus 2.0.10 (fpc 3.2.0)

Does the bug occurs also in Delphi?

No test

original caption "Наименование шлейфа"

  1. resize column and caption not fit in one line.
  2. component devide caption to 2 part
  3. on sample component devide char "и" to 2 part

most likely a problem because of encoding utf-8 is multibyte.