
Compatibility with marionette 4

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to use this routing system with marionette 4.0.0 but seems it doesn't render the view you pass to the router.

import {Application, View, Region} from 'backbone.marionette';
import {createRouter, middleware} from 'marionette.routing';
import _ from "underscore";

const MyApp = Application.extend({
    region: '#app',

    initialize() {
        console.log('start app');

const app = new MyApp();

const aView = View.extend({
    template: _.template('<h1>testing</h1>'),

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {

    let router = createRouter({log: true, logError: true}); (route) {
        route('app', {path: '/', abstract: true}, function () {
            route('dashboard', {path: '', viewClass: aView})

    router.rootRegion = new Region({el: '#app'});



The router works and is logging info in the console but the view is not rendered.
Where am i wrong ?

You need to define a routeClass for 'app' route:

import {createRouter, middleware, Route} from 'marionette.routing';

 route('app', {path: '/', abstract: true, routeClass: Route}, function () {
            route('dashboard', {path: '', viewClass: aView})

Version 0.9.1 has a better error logging