
Error thrown during view rendering is supressed and view is re-created

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Howdy. This references this bit of the code - if an error is thrown somewhere within renderViews (including the View's onRender handlers), the catch is triggered, which causes the region.showChildView or an equivalent to be re-triggered, and also causes the triggered error to not be printed out.

If you can't reproduce this, let me know and I can try to get a base case together for you, it's just moderately annoying to get this set up because it looks like I'll have to provide a basic Webpack setup or something as well. It also looks like most of the cases we had for using load can be done the same using activate.

I don't know if you actively maintain this repo or if that bit was intentional for some reason, but I can write up a PR that proxies to transition.error() if desired.

load lifecycle was introduced with two differences to activate:

That being said, i did not foresee errors in render views. This can be fixed by returning loadPromise directly (not tested)

This should be resolved now - could you release this as 1.1.2 on NPM?


BTW you can take a look at either to migrate to web components or backport to marionette (should be easy). Is based in the more modern slick-router and i remember fixing some bugs that i did not backport.