
Lazy load url without having to append index

dottodot opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm wanting to lazy load a route but struggling with the parent child setup and getting the parent to work with having to append /index.

    route('custom', {path: 'custom'}, function () {
      route('', {path: ':slug'});

and my custom route is

import {Route} from 'marionette.routing';
import CustomIndexRoute from './index/route';
import CustomShowRoute from './show/route';
export default Route.extend({
  childRoutes: {
    'custom': CustomIndexRoute,
    '': CustomShowRoute

index never loads doing it this way the only I've can find a way to make to work is by following the example that appends index.

Ok so I've worked out getting the parent route to load by doing

import {Route} from 'marionette.routing';
import CustomShowRoute from './show/route';

import LayoutView from './index/layout-view';
export default Route.extend({
  activate(transition) {

  childRoutes: {
    '': CustomShowRoute
  viewClass: LayoutView

but when I try add load the childRoute I get an error of

logger.js:17 Error: No outlet region in view

but when I try add load the childRoute I get an error of

logger.js:17 Error: No outlet region in view

In a route that has a view is necessary to define a Marionette Region named 'outlet' where the children will be rendered.

So in 'custom' route view add a region named 'outlet'

If 'custom' is supposed to not be parent of '' but a sibling, i.e., rendered in the same region, is necessary to define then in same level.

Seems that you are trying to achieve a index route for a parent. Currently is necessary to redirect like as in

With most recent CherryTree will be possible to define an index route without the redirect and without add index in path

With latest version (0.5.3) is possible to define an index route with the same path as the parent route using abstract option. See and

Is also possible to define a route being child of the other (regarding state) but both being rendered in the same region. This is accomplished by using outlet:false option in the parent route. See

Notice that colors.edit takes advantage of being child of by reusing the model through getContext.request:

Thanks for that upgrading to 0.5.3 resolved it along with the abstract option.