
rv-value not updating when model changes through rv-each

PoeHaH opened this issue · 6 comments

I have input fields in an rv-each block. Updating an input in the rv-each block does not update the model outside of it.

Check this fiddle:

I want the 1st input field to update whenever an input field in the rv-each block is updated. Somehow I can't get that to work.

I confirm that.

Here is a new fiddle that do some logging:

It shows that the array items are updated.

Technically the behavior is correct because the items instance does not change but it seems doable to update the array listeners for when its items are updated

Do you know how vue behaves in similar situation?

I don't, sorry.

Workaround would be to add rv-on-change and then call a change() function but it's not a clean solution.

I will look into a solution

You're the best!

Sorry i could not get a way to do it. It should be done manually, with a event listener

No problem - thanks for trying!