
Display buffer indices only' on bufferline? (not status or command line)

vexe opened this issue · 3 comments

vexe commented

First thanks for the plugin. So I was a bit curious why you elected to show buffer indices in the statusline/commandbar and not the tabline - it's just confusing. why would I display buffers at one line and look at their indices at another? here's a screen shot


I was wondering if there's any way to hide the indices/buffernumbers from the commandbar and statusline and just show them at the top tabline? - I think that's more intuitive (that's what I expected to see at first) - or at least just hide the indices/buffers from the statusline - then I could hide the tabline and just use the commandbar to see the tab with their indices. and just let the statusline display the current file I'm editing. I just want to look at one place.
My settings:

    let g:bufferline_modified = '*'

    " Enable the list of buffers
    let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled=1

    " Show just the filename
    let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod=':t'

    " enable/disable displaying buffers with a single tab
    let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_buffers = 1


it behaves that way for historical reasons. bufferline was my first plugin, then airline, then airline+bufferline integration. the tabline was the final thing, but that doesn't need a dependency on bufferline.

sounds like you just need to uninstall bufferline. you can configure the tabline to show buffer numbers, check the docs. cheers.

vexe commented
    let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_show = 1

is what I needed. Thanks.

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