
How to keep TS types after serialization ? (getStaticProps)

MatteoGauthier opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Hey ! I have an object that I want to serialize, and this object contains Date properties. I wanted to know if it's possible to keep the input types after the serialization ?

const project = {
	name: "hello",
	quantity: 12
	date: new Date()

const serialized = superjson.serialize(project)

console.log( // string
console.log(serialized.quanity) // number
console.log( // string

Not really in the serialized stage, as at that point its plain JSON with meta data. It needs to be deserialized to get the original types back.

Once you deserialize your data, then the types can be restored:

const project = {
    name: "hello",
    quantity: 12,
    date: new Date()

const serialized = superjson.serialize(project);
console.log(;     // string
console.log(serialized.json.quantity); // string
console.log(;     // string
console.log(serialized.meta);          // { values: { date: [ 'Date' ] } }

const deserialized = superjson.deserialize<typeof project>(serialized);
console.log(;     // string
console.log(deserialized.quantity); // number
console.log(;     // date
Skn0tt commented

Hi @MatteoGauthier, could you expand on your usecase? Why are you looking for serialized to have the same types as project?

Hey ! I'm trying to use the getStaticProps of Next.js with data from Prisma. But in the data returned by Prisma I have some Date properties and I want to pass it to my Next page. How can I achieve that ?

export const getStaticProps = async (
  context: GetStaticPropsContext<{ id: string }>
) => {
  const { id } = context.params!;

  const project = await prisma.project.findUnique({
    where: {

  return {
    props: {
      project: serialize(project).json as unknown as Project,
    revalidate: 60,

Maybe a tricky Generic Type can convert every Date type to string type after the serialize function call.

Sorry for my hesitant explanations ๐Ÿ˜…

Skn0tt commented

Got it! Have you looked at That should do all of that for you out of the box :)

@Skn0tt I tried the SWC plugin with pages directory. I noticed that it does the auto serialisation. However inside the component it doesn't auto deserialise.

Since you mentioned only about the babel plugin in your previous comment, does it mean auto deserialisation not available in the SWC plugin ? (In project readme it says it does)

Skn0tt commented

That sounds like a bug with - could you please open a bug report over there?

Skn0tt commented

Closing this issue for now - @MatteoGauthier feel free to reopen if needed.