
Registering classes extending Array don't work properly

NeilTheFisher opened this issue · 1 comments

When serializing a class (after using registerClass) which extends Array, the resulting json is an object containing the keys of an array (0, 1, 2...) rather than actually being an array.



Seems like the logic to be changed here would be to make sure to create an array if it isArray rather than an object when it's a class.

My quick workaround to this was to stop using registerClass on the class that extends Array so it's serialized as a normal Array; then when deserializing, I use

) as MyListExtendsArray

rather than

Object.assign(Object.create(MyListExtendsArray.prototype), SuperJSON.parse<MyListExtendsArray>(listOfThings))

to convert it back to a class instance or else it goes back to being a regular object instead of an array as shown in the images

Skn0tt commented

Hi @sylent3524, sorry for my late reply!

Have you tried using registerCustom? It allows you to fully customise the de/serialisation, and looks like it might solve your problem. Here's an example: https://github.com/blitz-js/superjson/blob/ae7dbcefe5d3ece5b04be0c6afe6b40f3a44a22a/src/index.test.ts#L520-L543