
Classic Sorc Stalling out sortedlist(0) is undefined

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Fresh 2 day old install,

Softcore CLASSIC Sorc, Level 18 normal, happens mid fight random mage on the way to andariel ( cata3or4) in 1st andariel script a1

reference to undefined property sortedlist(0)
warning loadoverride.js 138 sortedlist(0) is undefined
error sorceressattack.js sortedlist(0) is undefined

Teleporting town setting new max gametime and stalling out

ty in advance

magace commented

Have you tried using this branch?
I have a few hardcore classic sorcs going with no issues.

Updated to this, now throwing error "starter not defined" when trying to start profile

You would also have to use the restructure branch of kolbot

It seems to work tat way, had to make new Profile as copying profile.json alone results in d2bs crashing but that's fine if the script catches on at that level.

TY guys