
Reduced item settings

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Work which needs to be done to implement settings related to a reduced set of items being placed.

  • Logic to determine when objectives are complete and when Mother Brain is beatable.
  • New boolean toggle "Stop item placement early" (under Item Progression > Customize), to end placement of additional items once Mother Brain is beatable.
  • New collapsible group of settings to define ammo pool size (under Item Progression > Customize, similar to the "Starting Items").
    • quantities for missiles, supers, power bombs, e-tanks, and reserves
    • presets "Full" and "Reduced":
      • Full: normal vanilla quantities
      • Reduced: 120 missiles, 30 supers, 30 power bombs, 7 e-tanks, 2 reserves
  • New item progression preset ("Stingy"?), after "Challenge".
    • Same settings as "Challenge", except enable "Stop item placement early" and use "Reduced" ammo pool.
  • Adapt credits to show collected item count and total item count (e.g. "20/55")
  • Ensure that the escape gives all movement items when using "Stop item placement early", overriding the option "Hyper Beam gives all movement items" to be enabled even it is not selected. Otherwise we could not ensure the escape would be beatable.

in addition to "Full" and "Reduced" ammo quantities, we could consider a "Minimal" option that has even less, but there would be a difficulty in ensuring the escape is beatable with more limited tanks, e.g. in case it requires acid dive and/or multiple shinesparks. Currently we aren't modeling energy requirements in the escape; so either we would have to start doing that, or we would have to make it give you more tanks (along with the movement items) when Hyper Beam is obtained.