
East Pants Room does not appear on spoiler map

Opened this issue · 4 comments


Describe the bug

  1. Bottom-right part of room is missing-- needs blocks + node 6 for bottom right + logic to / from that node.

  2. One of the logic from the new node -> 2 is a very hard / expert ice clip. The Puyo has to be frozen on a specific frame. I've done this clip myself with gravity (spring ball isn't needed). Unsure if it can be done without gravity -- haven't tested it.

In the game, pants room is two separate rooms. The other is
Various ice clips, and CF clips, can be found in 3->2 of EastPantsRoom.

It is a small issue that in the spoiler map, the bottom right of Pants room does not link to the east pants room logic page. But the strat links should still be going to the correct place.

Ahhh.. yeah there's no way to get to East Pants from the spoiler map! I had no idea this existed. I guess internally in the logic you must always model both rooms, with appropriate connects to the connecting rooms.

It would be nice if the spoiler map had both rooms on it, so that clicking on the East Pants part of the room would open the East Pants layout.

FWIW, I guess I ran into this because I try to avoid looking at seed specific spoiler maps. Instead I keep open a generic vanilla seed map and sometimes inspect specific rooms on that map to help figure out if I can get through a room or not without actually being spoiled on progression or routes.