
Inconsistent baselines for glyphs with descenders and vertical stems

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Most glyphs that have descenders as well as vertical stems, such as U+014B, U+019E, and U+0220, shorten their vertical stems a bit so they float above the baseline. U+0267 LATIN SMALL LETTER HENG WITH HOOK and U+02A9 LATIN SMALL LETTER FENG DIGRAPH are exceptions.

The inconsistency has been fixed in

The rule I've settled on is: keep the baseline as usual at the usual line (ie. the line that "x" sits on), but raise the vertical stem only if there's something close underneath it directly underneath it and at close proximity, eg. u0271 (m with hook), u1fc3 (eta with ypogegrammeni).

The exception is eta because it can occur with a diacritic right below the vertical stem. Also, it's a bit more visually appealing to me.

If any of this sounds/looks strange, please let me know.

In v33, I've changed the rule again: always maintain a consistent baseline, with the sole exception being eta.

u0271 (m with hook) thus has its legs on firm ground now.