
Tag releases here on GitHub

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I cannot send tags in PR-s.
May I send git tag v... commands here in this issue?


Lines 62 to 354 in 092fffb

= 0.3.12 - 7 September 2022 =
* Fix: No dark mode config
= 0.3.11 - 7 September 2022 =
* Remove: Admin notice for Gutenberg plugin
* Update: Version bump for
= 0.3.10 - 6 September 2022 =
* Fix: Resize screenshot
= 0.3.9 - 6 September 2022 =
* Add: 14px font size
* Update: Adjust colors
* Remove: Style variations
* Remove: Pro patterns
= 0.3.8 - 6 September 2022 =
* Update: Clean up patterns
* Fix: Navigation links for
= 0.3.7 - 6 September 2022 =
* Fix: Remove pattern functionality
= 0.3.6 - 6 September 2022 =
* Fix: Add missing vendor packages!
= 0.3.5 - 6 September 2022 =
* Fix: Add missing vendor packages
= 0.3.4 - 6 September 2022 =
* Fix: Patch string case utility function
= 0.3.3 - 6 September 2022 =
* Add: Light and dark patterns
* Remove: Gutenberg and Blockify plugin dependencies
* Remove: Editor settings panel
* Remove: Automatic dark mode feature
= 0.3.2 - 3 September 2022 =
* Add: Excerpt length setting to editor
* Add: Hide on mobile settings to supported blocks
* Add: Center on mobile to supported blocks
* Add: Block gap support for Query block
* Add: Spacing support for quote block
* Add: Tag cloud correct fallback font size
* Update: Move remaining CSS to theme.json where possible
* Update: Change default block gap from em to rem
* Update: Separate scripts and styles includes
* Remove: Single block pattern from theme.json
* Fix: Render position styles
* Fix: Input heights to match buttons
* Fix: Rest options permissions callback
* Fix: Remove theme slug from single post template for child theme support
* Fix: Permissions callback for rest options
= 0.3.1 = 2 September 2022 =
* Remove: tgmpa languages
= 0.3.0 - 1 September 2022 =
* Add: Spacing scale
* Add: Gradient support for submenu, paragraph, site-logo and template part
* Add: Editor page title text alignment
* Add: Custom property filters where possible
* Add: Quote block and post author avatar border radius support
* Add: Basic CSS for elements without block classes
* Add: Position support to columns
* Add: Blog features post pattern
* Update: Post template layout
* Update: Post title hover effects
* Remove: Page title settings
* Fix: Post block CSS file not loaded
* Fix: Legend/fieldset border-box issue
* Fix: Placeholder image sizes
* Fix: Gradient support not working from incorrect key name
* Fix: Gutenberg 14.0.1 outline button padding issue
= 0.2.1 - 29 August 2022
* Remove: Dark mode preview setting
= 0.2.0 - 29 August 2022 =
* Add: Style guide pattern
* Add: Post featured image border radius
* Add: IBM Plex Sans & Mono, DM Sans, Source Serif Pro
* Add: Global API key settings
* Add: Page list block spacing support
* Update: All settings to use Rest API
* Update: Front page template blog pattern
* Update: CSS loading optimizations
* Update: Switch to dynamic render block filters
* Update: Alignment improvements
* Update: Move all settings to rest api
* Remove: Single block pattern template
* Remove: Link box shadow hover effect
* Fix: Full width template footer template part
* Fix: Default border color contrast
* Fix: Icon even/odd fill rules
= 0.1.4 - 22 August 2022 =
* Add: Color fallbacks in theme.json
* Update: Clean up style variation json
* Fix: Box shadows
* Remove: PHP CSS minification utility
* Remove: Footer social links
= 0.1.3 - 22 August 2022 =
* Update: Link styling improvements
* Update: Color palette adjustments
= 0.1.2 - 22 August 2022 =
* Add: Social icon block to footer default pattern
* Update: Footer pattern improvements
* Remove: Links in footer patterns
* Fix: Pattern preview alignment
= 0.1.1 - 22 August 2022 =
* Fix: Remove testing css
= 0.1.0 - 22 August 2022 =
* Add: Spacing controls to post content block
* Add: Single columns testimonial pattern
* Add: Conditional loading for admin bar styles
* Add: Custom property support for cite element
* Update: Single block pattern improvements
* Update: Refactor query block files
* Update: Only set scrollbar width on desktop
* Fix: Heading styles to pages without heading block
* Fix: Post content layout inheritance
* Fix: Improve pattern display
= 0.0.33 - 22 August 2022 =
* Add: Full width template
* Add: pattern temporary css
= 0.0.32 - 22 August 2022 =
* Fix: Custom properties not showing in admin
= 0.0.31 - 21 August 2022 =
* Add: More Google Fonts
* Add: wp-element-button class to search blocks
* Update: Clean up style variations
= 0.0.30 - 21 August 2022 =
* Add: Blueprint style variation
* Add: Dark style variation
* Add: Wireframe style variation
* Fix: Google fonts in editor
= 0.0.29 - 21 August 2022 =
* Add: Placeholder image style
* Add: Group min height setting
* Update: Rename patterns
* Update: Search toggle improvements
* Remove: Page patterns
* Fix: Cover image defaults
* Fix: Remove duplicate classes in blocks
* Fix: Sub menu styling
= 0.0.28 - 20 August 2022 =
* Add: Featured post placeholder divs
* Fix: Site logo icon position
* Fix: Wide alignment in patterns
* Fix: Missing inline editor styles
= 0.0.27 - 20 August 2022 =
* Add: Support for image borders
* Add: Spacer block styles
* Update: CSS loading improvements
* Update: Theme description
* Fix: Broken image urls in patterns
= 0.0.26 - 19 August 2022 =
* Add: Dark mode editor settings
* Add: Outline button style
* Remove: Secondary button style
= 0.0.25 - 14 August 2022 =
* Fix: WordPress update issue
* Update: Screenshot and changelog
= 0.0.24 - 14 August, 2022 =
* Add: Dark mode
* Add: Page title settings
* Add: Absolute & sticky header support
* Add: Multi column sub menus
* Fix: Blog patterns
* Update: Smooth scroll media query
* Remove: Template part settings
= 0.0.23 - 2 August, 2022 =
* Fix: Navigation blocks in patterns
= 0.0.22 - 2 August, 2022 =
* Fix: Patterns for release
* Add: TGMPA for Gutenberg
* Update: Screenshot
= 0.0.21 - 2 August, 2022 =
* Remove: Theme URI
* Remove: Emoji scripts
* Add: SVG image icons
* Fix: Filter and transform settings
* Update: Move languages
* Update: Move scripts to assets dir
= 0.0.20 - 27 July, 2022 =
* Fix: Box shadow bug
= 0.0.19 - 27 July, 2022 =
* Fix: Site editor assets
* Add: Border custom property
* Remove: Unused functions
= 0.0.18 - 27 July, 2022 =
* Fix: Missing block editor styles
* Fix: Layout defaults
= 0.0.17 - 26 July, 2022 =
* Fix: Button errors in patterns
* Fix: Responsive styles
* Remove: Unused style.css
= 0.0.16 - 26 July, 2022 =
* Remove: _MACOSX folder
= 0.0.15 - 26 July, 2022 =
* Remove: TGMPA
* Remove: Gutenberg as dependency
* Fix: Patterns
= 0.0.14 - 26 July, 2022 =
* Remove: Plugin dependency
* Remove: Logo Ipsum logos
* Add: Theme settings
* Add: Page patterns
* Update: Theme URI
* Fix: Pattern dummy content
* Fix: Reverse on mobile
* Fix: Navigation block font size
* Fix: Image block CSS
= 0.0.13 - 24 July, 2022 =
* Update: Recommend plugins instead of require
* Fix: Block validation errors (remove plugin blocks)
* Update: Screenshot image text
* Remove: Auto insert nav menu
* Add: License information
* Add: Link underline styling
= 0.0.12 - 22 July, 2022 =
* Add: FAQ 2 pattern
* Update: About page pattern, hero 2 pattern
* Fix: Button element Gutenberg issue
= 0.0.11 - July 19, 2022 =
* Add: Metrics 2 pattern
* Add: Copyright in readme
* Update: Screenshot.png
* Fix: Version number in changelog
= 0.0.10 - July 19, 2022 =
* Add: Nofollow link on pattern previews
= 0.0.9 - July 19, 2022 =
* Add: Pattern previews
* Update: Block pattern directory
= 0.0.8 - July 15, 2022 =
* Fix: RSS feed error
= 0.0.7 - July 15, 2022 =
* Fix: Default navigation block URLs
* Remove: CSS
* Remove: Includes directory
= 0.0.6 - July 14, 2022 =
* Add: Move CSS to theme
* Add: Includes directory
= 0.0.5 - July 14, 2022 =
* Add: Demo content and images
* Fix: Local URLs in patterns
= 0.0.4 - July 14, 2022 =
* Fix: Theme review feedback
= 0.0.3 - July 13, 2022 =
* Remove: Theme activation redirect
= 0.0.2 - June 12, 2022 =
* First submission
= 0.0.1 - March 23, 2022 =
* Initial release

Sure can, whatever is easiest for you.

Just a heads up that I’m currently separating all of the functionality currently in this theme (PHP includes, CSS & JS) and moving it to the Blockify plugin - which will then be installed back in this theme as a composer package.

That would allow it to be reused as a theme framework by others and for any future themes (or plugins).

Can you see any issues with this idea?

Dependency management is simply missing from WordPress. 🤦🏻‍♂️ That is hard!

It would be nice to support people managing WordPress with Composer. For example me :)

if (! function_exist('Blockify\\Plugin\\register')) require __DIR__ . '/vendor/blockify/plugin/blockify.php';

Hard problem to solve for sure, would be nice to have a cleaner way.

Agreed, it would also allow you to white label the theme while still receiving updates for the framework.

Perfect, that's what I've ended up with. Now seeing if it's possible to have the conditions in the plugin itself, to keep the theme as clean as possible and prevent further errors.

Sharing this discussion here as well for future reference blockifywp/plugin#4 (comment)

git tag v0.0.8 ded3e00a5fa054af11962e8806ff67056885979a
git tag v0.0.9 ca82d6c356347c2de5cd7d559f435a6dc0b25929
git tag v0.0.11 deb00dcb33df54cb5abd284e9d8a51238f1dd8a7
git tag v0.0.12 f3cc249d538c80508cf98592c840b630e5dcbd0d
git tag v0.0.13 cf713ff756d057ad2534c7a212d29a277c153297
git tag v0.0.23 90689455618e2bde521759f4d49f19d4c6ec1c01
git tag v0.0.26 adde357d23caff5001bde7ec5be8a3ba4db4fbc3
git tag v0.0.27 5f34295fd0b109bd78d8ce46456aacbb20076ffa
git tag v0.0.28 efe0e75fbec79bcd3e9af21c2df245d332fe4dc2
git tag v0.0.29 1780b8306cdb0154b811496ff7f076617f79a52c
git tag v0.0.30 979f5f68fc1609d3a38ac2f71373f9a40dd2914b
git tag v0.0.31 ac8d0451954c0530f30594d7451ef1fdafd74b76
git tag v0.0.32 924efbe908a976a7632f2eed3ad0cd71216570d2
git tag v0.0.33 38d528800195c76e213f1939c4e60d67800dc1e9
git tag v0.1.0 118b68911c407033b58fe31ccf4c7d7aa7f0ee44
git tag v0.1.1 89c788b78442b0b2efb72df9e6df9a4023cabb4d
git tag v0.1.2 9389cca308c59d113ffad041bc7b868693236cd1
git tag v0.1.3 8a3f74bab77f754511942953d23084b87fa23357
git tag v0.1.4 e91467b58b15cae81d048ba61aed34caf48442a0
git tag v0.2.1 4e3898d161c8653851b7382930e42de22761a186
git tag v0.3.0 742222946dd635577498a4891aa0ac376a83fa54
git tag v0.3.1 c82c9e08e950be9c748f2942df6d96cf8c7f9938
git tag v0.3.2 97a67a3fcd27100053cbebe6115c917ff97517da
git tag v0.3.3 9aa1fb30e0db9a0fa72c0a4a6cc152191257442c
git tag v0.3.4 b93f7d64963ad88fafe9084747868a55b2f0394b
git tag v0.3.5 8123a748c03a8aa9c187cf203c0a2f2fe366b125
git tag v0.3.8 8ffdd5da0c87d4c052718b9b0eb6600c092914ca
git tag v0.3.11 d9e0afc0c0983b756321599b50eb439e601942aa
git tag v0.3.12 a079653c3bf23545490a8e47775fa060d19b46e9

A public release checklist would be nice: tag, build, deploy, announce (blog, Twitter, Wiki)

Have pushed the tags, is there a specific place I should put the checklist?

How were you able to generate that list of tags with the relevant commits? That's awesome

How were you able to generate that list of tags

From git blame:

is there a specific place I should put the checklist?

No. I'm good at theories but I'm not a pioneer!

Haha, good to know! I was hoping you didn’t have to do that manually.

Ok, that’s the plan. Will tag future releases.