
Unauthorized Chain in Tier

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Capture d’écran 2022-06-22 à 12 34 05

Using chain id 1337 for localhost in hardhat config ... is it related ?

Hey @pvdyck I am looking in to this. It might be due to some recent server changes.

In the meantime, you can add a function to handle errors when initializing via the onerror parameter and just ignore that error as local networks do not use the WebSocket connection to our server.

@pvdyck This was indeed a server issue and should now be fixed.

@aaronbarnardsound thanks a lot

goums commented

hey @aaronbarnardsound
we are currently facing the same issue with BSC (chain id 56)
could check if it's also something wrong on your server?

Hey @goums this error is introduced due a change on our backend infrastructure. BSC is no longer supported on our free tier and requires a production 2 plan due to the expensive nature of supporting BSC notifications.

goums commented

thanks for your reply @aaronbarnardsound
make sense given the high cost of BSC nodes