
Compatibility with Rails 4.1.x

lluchez opened this issue · 1 comments


The gemspec file has the following dependency:

spec.add_runtime_dependency 'activeadmin', '>= 1.0'

It prevents the gem to work on Rails 4.1.x as the compatible version of activeadmin is 1.0.0.pre.

As i'm currently in the process of upgrading an old app I wanted replace our current WYSIWYG editor by activeadmin_quill_editor first before bumping the Rails version to 4.2.0 but it's not allowed with the current restriction.

I forked the repo and I was able to relax the version dependency and it worked on Rails 4.1.16:

Please let me know if this repo is still maintained and this is something that can be changed (or I can submit a PR if easier). Otherwise I'll just use my own fork.

Thank you.

Sorry for replying so late.
To keep compatibility with older Rails versions seems a special case which could be handled in a user fork, IMO.
Closing this one.