
Sign raw tx and send it

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Hello! I'm trying to swap some spl token to sol and i'm using api for that.
I'm stucked at signing and sending transaction. Their api returns me swap transaction in base64, i'm storing it in swapTx variable.
After that i'm signing this raw tx bytes with my account.

When i'm trying to send my signed transaction it throws this err: {2.0 1 {"code":-32602,"message":"invalid value: integer `478196`, expected a value in the range [0, 65535]","data":null}}

func (c *Client) Swap(account types.Account, quote Quote) error {
	swapTx, err := c.jupiter.Swap(jupiter.SwapRequest{
		Route:         quote,
		UserPublicKey: account.PublicKey.String(),
	if err != nil {
		return err

	signedTx := base58.Encode(account.Sign(swapTx))

	resp, err := c.rpcClient.RpcClient.SendTransaction(ctx, signedTx)
	if err != nil {
		return err


Also interested in this case, have received the same error. Maybe @yihau can help?