

tgoetzjr opened this issue · 4 comments

  • Versions
    Spigot/Paper/Sponge: git-purpur-2062 (MC:1.20.1)
    GriefDefender: 2.41
    LuckPerms: 5.4.102

  • Describe the bug

passive entity eggs not hatching in claim (turtle & Sniffer), confirmed flag for turtle eggs set to true, no flag for sniffer, turtle egg does not progress to 1st stage, sniffer does not progress past 2nd stage (tested over numerous mc days, at least 4 by time submitting report after performing updates to all plugins)

  • Steps to reproduce the behavior

place egg in claim does not hatch, place in wild (non-claim) hatches

  • Expected behavior

eggs to hatch


  • Screenshots

willnot pass 2nd stage
no progress at all

forgot to add, tested with non-staff player with sniffer egg, placed sniffer egg in claim and did not hatch, will not go past 2nd stage, player removed claim (abandon claim) and sniffer egg hatched within minutes of claim being removed

Also was not a problem in with purpur previous build 2058, eggs hatched in claims

also noticed as I test - cant kill fish and squids in claims -

can you advise where this setting is - can not be found when doing /gd flag claim (checked all options)

OK, on my own I was able to figure out most issues, for some reason when updating lp perms got changed, not sure how but able to fix non-hostile entity killing in claims BUT I am still not able to find out the issue with sniffer eggs

figured it out,
another LP issue
thanks for all your help