
Still no getFinalPermission

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The API still doesn't provide a way to access getFinalPermission which I already reported 8 months ago: #4

getActiveFlagPermissionValue doesn't provide the same result as getFinalPermission.

Both of the method calls below return that the player doesn't have permission in his own claim.

Subject subject = GriefDefender.getCore().getSubject(player.getUniqueId().toString());
GriefDefender.getPermissionManager().getActiveFlagPermissionValue(claim, subject, Flags.BLOCK_BREAK, subject, null, new HashSet<>(), true);
claim.getActiveFlagPermissionValue(Flags.BLOCK_BREAK, GriefDefender.getCore().getUser(player.getUniqueId()), null, null, new HashSet<>(), TrustTypes.ACCESSOR, true);

Fixed in GD 2.0.