
Can you remove the compiler from test dependencies?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello. Thank you for this nice rescript implementation of tests.

Would you mind removing the dependency on the compiler? It is making our compilation to fail:

We get the following error when compiling fresh (CI):

Dependency on rescript-test
Different compiler version: clean current repo
File "bsconfig.json", line 1
Error: package rescript-js not found or built 

Not sure if the problem comes from rescript-js or from just rescript compiler. But the thing is that it fails because it cleans the repo.

Or do you have experience addressing this kind of issues? If so, I will be happy to know how.

The error about "Different compiler version" was misleading, main issue is rescript-js not being installed after running yarn add rescript-test. I made a PR #14