
Implementation of MixCE method described in ACL 2023 paper by Zhang et al.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository contains the code and data for the following paper:

MixCE: Training Autoregressive Language Models by Mixing the Forward and Reverse Cross-Entropies

  title={MixCE: Training Autoregressive Language Models by Mixing Forward and Reverse Cross-Entropies},
  author={Zhang, Shiyue and Wu, Shijie and İrsoy, Ozan and Lu, Steven and Bansal, Mohit and Dredze, Mark and Rosenberg, David},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 61th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},

code author: Shiyue Zhang


  • Python 3 (tested with Python 3.9.5)
  • Install required packages:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Optional: To avoid any version clashes with existing packages, you may want to perform the installation under a virtual environment:

python -m venv yourenv
. yourenv/bin/activate  # for bash, might be something else for your particular shell
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Synthetic Experiments

Quick Start

synthetic.py is the script for running synthetic experiments. Running experiments is very simple, just run:

python synthetic.py

Configurations (like seed, vocab size, etc.) can be specified and changed within the script and under if __name__ == '__main__':.


There are a few important configurations within synthetic.py that determine what kind of synthetic experiments you can run:

real_dataset: if it is None, the transition matrix will be randomly initialized; or if it is 'webtext', the transition matrix will be initialized from the pre-computed transition matrices on webtext.

zero_percent: determines how many values in the transition matrix are 0. For example, if zero_percent==0.5, then 50% probabilities in the transition matrix are 0.

vocab_size: the vocabulary size. We test 21, 51, 101, 501, or 1001. Note that 21 means we have 20 normal tokens (including EOS) and 1 PAD token.

seed: We run 5 seeds (7, 42, 777, 4222, 99999) for each experiment.

loss_func: We test 4 loss functions: (1) 'two_xens': it is denoted as MixCE* in our paper and uses the gold data distribution P and gumbel softmax; (2) 'qlogq_mix': it is our approximated MixCE loss function; (3) 'two_kls': the mixture of two KL divergences; (4) 'js': js divergence.

train_eta: The mixing ratio for those loss functions. If train_eta==1.0 for 'two_xens', it is MLE. If train_eta==1.0 for 'two_kls', it is forward KL (also equals MLE). If train_eta==0.0 for 'two_kls', it is the reverse KL. We use a general definition of JS (see this paper for more details), and JS converges to 0 when train_eta gets closer to 0.0 or 1.0. When train_eta=0.5, it is the normal definition of JS divergence.

Metrics & Evaluation

We evaluate synthetically trained bigram LMs by comparing the learned transition matrix against the gold transition matrix. We use two metrics:

(1) avg. js: we compute the js divergence between each row of the gold and learned transition matrices and average across rows.

(2) avg. 0s: we get the values from the learned matrix at gold probability=0 positions and then average them.

The compare_parameters() function in synthetic.py is used for computing these two metrics.


Models will all be saved under the synthetic_logs/ directory. Each model directory's name starts with the datetime that experiment was run. Under the model directory, you will also find the TensorBoard event files, as well as an all_best_metrics.json that saves the best metrics scores for each mixing ratio. See examples under synthetic_logs/.

Model evaluation is conducted after each epoch, and the best checkpoint is selected based on the loss on the dev set.

Get results

Eventually, for each experiment, we average the results from 5 seeds; and for each objective, we choose the best mixing ratio based on avg. js.

get_synthetic_results() in results.py is a function used to average results from 5 seeds and sort results of different mixing ratios accorrding to avg. js.

To use get_synthetic_results(), you need to first prepare synthetic_models.json to specify the model directories. An example is shown in synthetic_models.json. Then you can get the result of the experiment that uses webtext initialized transition matrix, vocab=20 and objective=two_kls by running get_synthetic_results('webtext', '20', 'two_kls').

GPT-2 Experiments


Prepare data

Detokenizer. You first need to download detokenizer.perl from Moses here, and place it under the path data/detokenizer.perl because the following Python scripts depend on it.


cd data
python wikitext_data.py
python webtext_data.py
curl https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fairseq/data/writingPrompts.tar.gz | tar xvzf -
python writingprompts_data.py

The preprocessed data will be saved under data/wikitext, data/webtext, and data/writingPrompts.

Download GPT-2 models

Clone GPT-2 models using git lfs following the instruction provided by Hugging Face.

git lfs install
git clone https://huggingface.co/gpt2

gpt2 is the smallest GPT-2 model. We also experiment with gpt2-medium and gpt2-large. gpt2-large is used in computing MAUVE, so please download them too:

git clone https://huggingface.co/gpt2-medium
git clone https://huggingface.co/gpt2-large

Make a copy of gpt2-large for MAUVE:

cp -r gpt2-large gpt2-large-mauve

Because we will directly write to gpt2-large, which will affect MAUVE computation.

Quick start

You can simply start running experiments by doing:

python run.py

Configurations can be manually specified within run.py. See an example under if __name__ == '__main__'.

Configurations & Files

There are a few important configurations in run.py:

training_size: The training data size, we test '10K', '25K', '50K', and '100K'; by default we use '50K'.

model: It can be 'gpt2', 'gpt2-meidum', or 'gpt2-large'.

dataset: It can be "wikitext", "webtext", or "writingPrompts".

mixing_ratio: We search through [0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 0.99, 1.0] and choose the best mixing_ratio based on dev set MAUVE score.

train_batch_size, accumulation, eval_batch_size: These configs should be determined by the platform you use. We use one single Tesla V100 GPU (32G memory), and the recommended configs in this setting are in run.py.

There are one dict and three functions in run.py:

data_sets{}: It saves the paths of data files.

run_no_trainer(): The function used for training and evaluating models.

run_no_trainer_eval(): The function used for model evaluation only.

run_no_trainer_turn_topp(): The function used for tuning top-p sampling's p.

Besides run.py, I introduce here the other important Python scripts for model training and evaluation:

gpt2.py (the most essential file) contains a GPT2MIXModel model class that implements our MixCE loss function.

run_clm_no_trainer.py is the script to train and evaluate GPT-2 models.

run_clm_no_trainer_tune_topp.py is similar to run_clm_no_trainer.py, except that it is only used for tuning the hyperparameter p of top-p sampling.

metircs.py contains the metrics we use to evaluate model generations.


Models will be saved under train/ directory.

Each model directory's name starts with the datetime that experiment was run. Under the model directory, we save the best checkpoint (selected based on dev loss).

dev/test.sample, dev/test.sample1, dev/test.sample2, and dev/test.human are 3 unbiased sampling generations and human text.

dev/test_results.json save the results of perplexity, diversity, and repetition.

After tuning p for top-p sampling, dev/test.topp(p=*) are top-p sampling generations with different p values.

After computing MAUVE and coherence (see next section for details), dev/test_mauve_coherence_*.json have the MAUVE and coherence scores with different max lengths.

After computing controlled MAUVE and coherence (see next section for details), dev/test_controlled_mauve_coherence_*.json are controlled MAUVE and coherence scores with different max lengths.

Metrics & Evaluation

We report the scores of 6 metrics in our paper:

perplexity is computed along with model training/evaluation (see run_clm_no_trainer.py).

diversity is implemented by the diversity() function in metircs.py, and it is also computed along with model training/evaluation by calling the compute_diversity_repetition() function in run_clm_no_trainer.py. Note that repetition is another metric we implemented but did not report in our paper; it checks what percent of the text is repetition loops and also return the repetitive phrase length.

MAUVE and coherence are computed in a post-hoc manner by using saved generation files. compute_mauve() and compute_coherence() in metrics.py are two helper functions to compute MAUVE and coherence. They are called by the compute_mauve_coherence() function in results.py. To use compute_mauve_coherence(), you must first prepare the models.json to specify model directory names for evaluation.

Similarly, controlled-MAUVE and controlled-coherence can also be computed in a post-hoc manner by compute_controlled_mauve_coherence() function in results.py.

Pretrained models

Dataset Model Size Training Data Size Objective Hugging Face hub name
wikitext gpt2-large 50K MLE shiyue/wikitext_train50K_gpt2-large_mix1.0
wikitext gpt2-large 50K MixCE (eta=0.1) shiyue/wikitext_train50K_gpt2-large_mix0.1
webtext gpt2-large 50K MLE shiyue/webtext_train50K_gpt2-large_mix1.0
webtext gpt2-large 50K MixCE (eta=0.3) shiyue/webtext_train50K_gpt2-large_mix0.3
writingPrompts gpt2-large 50K MLE shiyue/writingPrompts_train50K_gpt2-large_mix1.0
writingPrompts gpt2-large 50K MixCE (eta=0.7) shiyue/writingPrompts_train50K_gpt2-large_mix0.7

Try pretrained models in the following ways:

>>> from gpt2 import GPT2MIXModel
>>> from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer
>>> model = GPT2MIXModel.from_pretrained("shiyue/wikitext_train50K_gpt2-large_mix1.0")
>>> tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('shiyue/wikitext_train50K_gpt2-large_mix1.0')
>>> text = "Hey, how are you?"
>>> encoded_input = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt')
>>> model.eval()
>>> out_ids = model.lm.generate(inputs=encoded_input["input_ids"], max_length=50, do_sample=True)
>>> print(tokenizer.batch_decode(out_ids, skip_special_tokens=True))


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The following two files are borrowed and adopted from the transformers repository, and therefore retain their original copyrights.


This is originally picked up from https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/main/examples/pytorch/language-modeling/run_clm_no_trainer.py. On top of it, we have applied the following modifications:

  • Added the following additional arguments for parsing:
    • --test_file
    • --reduction
    • --mixing_ratio
    • --max_length
    • --prompt_length
    • --eval_prompt_length
    • --cache_dir
    • --do_train
    • --do_eval
  • Commented out some unused code blocks for "push_to_hub" option.
  • Handle tokenizer possibly not having pad token.
  • Modify model loading block to use GPT2MIXModel for pretrained GPT2 models.
  • Logic to add EOS after each text.
  • Use DataCollatorWithPadding instead of the default collator.
  • Add evaluation logic for "do_eval" option, most of which goes into the new function 'evaluate()'.


This file is further modified from run_clm_no_trainer.py (see above) by changing how the generate() function is invoked to enable tuning for top_p option.

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