
Errors in Lesson 12 homework instructions

aellis77 opened this issue · 0 comments

Lambda Precourse Lesson 12 homework instruction file errors :

most suggested changes in < >, but some got lost that way, so the typos have been changed without note.

From the file : Precourse/Lesson12-DOM/homework/ :

Homework #JSVII

  <suggest DOM replace JSVII >


  1. Feynman Writing Prompts - Write out explanations of the following concepts like you are explaining it to a 12 year old. Doing this will help you quickly discover any holes in your understanding. Ask your questions on Slack.

    • DOM
    • DOM element selectors
    • DOM events

*** Stretch Goals: Everything after this line is optional ***
*** These tests are optional, any work you do to complete these tests is extra. That being said, having exposure to these concepts and attempting them is recommended. The better you understand these concepts, the better your experience will be at Lambda School. ***
2. Uncomment lines 7 through 108 in the file DOM.test.js from the __test__ folder within this homework folder. Then, from the top level of your Precourse folder, run npm test JSVII.test.js
< JSVII.test.js should be replaced with DOM.test.js >
to run the automated tests. You will fill out the functions in homework.js
< homework.js should be replaced with DOMhomework.js>
to make the tests pass.

Also in the DOMhomework.js file the following line should be added in step 4 :
5.5) Add an event listener for a button click for toDoText leading to a call of completeToDo