
Lesson 2 has wrong height for thirdDiv to fit in images

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In the homework-readme.txt for part II. Add some style letter G. Add a style rule to 'thirdDiv' changing the height to 600px and the width to 500px. The images overlaps the height of the box, I changed the height to 800px so the images are perfectly positioned inside of the box.

@MarioJr92 I don't see where image height is ever mentioned in the instructions.

It is slightly implied to have a 400x200 image (based on I. 3's lorempixel link)

@izulien Image height isn't mentioned. I'm talking about the height of the thirdDiv. If I leave the height of the thirdDiv to 600px the images with the width of 400px overlaps it. So I changed the height of the thirdDiv so the images can fit in.
screen shot 2018-02-08 at 3 35 09 pm

@MarioJr92 Certainly, if we set a height and width on the div, suggesting a height and width on the image is likely a smart plan.

  1. According to lorempixel link, image height/width should be of 200/400(in px).
  2. If we want to ignore the step (1), then we have to set min-height height of #thirdDiv to 600px.

You can also check my repo where I followed step (1).