
The flag 'log_dir' is defined twice - While running the ./

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Error :

absl.flags._exceptions.DuplicateFlagError: The flag 'log_dir' is defined twice. First from absl.logging, Second from flags. Description from first occurrence: directory to write logfiles into

What's the fix to this?

Could you please run the following command and post the output here?
pip freeze | grep absl

$ pip freeze | grep absl


Weird, I haven't seen this before. I guess you can comment out the declaration in for now, I'll see if I can find out why it works for me.

Screenshot from 2019-07-10 10-29-33
had this issue while installing the requirements is there a problem with the installation?

requirements.txt specifies tensorflow version 1.12, I don't know if 1.14 is compatible with the code.

Sorry i was using python 3.7 and i was unable to install tensorflow 1.12.0 so i downgraded to python 3.6 and i was able to run the application (./ .