
What does the below hyperparameters indicates?

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Hi @tomhosking

can you please elaborate what does the below hyperparameter indicates?"filter_window_size_before", 1, "Filter contexts down to the sentences around the answer. Set -1 to disable filtering")"filter_window_size_after", 1, "Filter contexts down to the sentences around the answer. Set -1 to disable filtering")"filter_max_tokens", 100, "Filter contexts down to at most this many tokens around the answer. Set -1 to disable filtering")


These parameters control cropping of the context - for a combination of speed and model reasons, the system only uses the sentence containing the answer plus the sentences adjacent (so 3 sentences in total. This is controlled by the filter_window_size_before/after parameters. The system also only includes 100 tokens before and after the answer span to remove weirdly odd sentences (there are some outliers in squad that are 600+ tokens long). This number of tokens is controlled by filter_max_tokens.

Hope that helps - looking back I realise I gave these parameters really unhelpful names!