
Refactoring of translation server

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  • add Project model with name:string, highlights:boolean:default:true, api_key:string
  • Project.api_key is generated same way as Users.api_key
  • add relation key, locale, location to belongs_to project
  • add migration which creates Default project and add all current keys, locales and locations to it
  • update validations of uniqueness for key, locale, location to be scoped under project
  • update API so it will resolve project data based on API key
  • update Translation cache which will be stored with project id
  • Add frontend for managing projects
  • Project can have assigned users
  • User is person who can edit project data
  • Admin is User with admin rights and can modify Projects and assign Users
  • User cannot access API_KEY of project
  • API Do not store highlights and locations when !Project.highlights?

This is list of tasks which needs to be done to be able to merge all instances into one