
Silent on Android Sleep/Awake/Tilt

Opened this issue · 3 comments

App seems to go silent when screen goes off/on or phone is tilted

Web app seems fine on Android

Thanks @g-pechorin for the report. It's been a while since I've worked on this repo, all my efforts have been with the Desktop repo.

I'm going to refactor this repo a bit from things I've learned from working on the desktop app, and as this app is a simplified version, it shouldn't take too long to get a new version out.

Strange thought that it goes silent when tilting!

I think that the tilt/untilt causes a pause or reset to happen. The play/pause button doesn't change, but tapping it resumes playing

Might be two issues; one that the app get sleep'd by Android and another that the underlying framework is inconsistent about state when the device switches from landscape to portrait