
download_phenocam() with frequency = 1 is inconsistent with frequency = 3.

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Not sure how this is supposed to work but when I use frequency=1 I get the following error message:

    > download_phenocam(site = "harvard$",
    +                   veg_type = "DB",
    +                   roi_id = "1000",
    +                   frequency = "1",
    +                   contract=FALSE)
    Downloading: harvard_DB_1000_1day.csv
    Error in contract_phenocam(data, internal = TRUE, no_padding = TRUE) : 
      This is a 1-day file, will not be contracted to 3-day frequency

And the resulting downloaded file is not padded with the +/- 90 days. My expectations were that the download would result in a file with padding as was the case with the 3-day frequency. This seems to be a problem with expand_phenocam() calling contract_phenocam() which fails for the 1-day file and stops the padding from occurring. I've got a local workaround but not sure if the logic matches your intent.

Copy paste of an general error trap which didn't apply... just released 1.1.1 with this bug... damn. For some reason I don't get emails when issues are filed. Fixed as per below, will be in release 1.1.2 next week, grab the dev version for now.