ngx-leaflet-draw set polygon points during initialization
Mirosvo92 opened this issue · 7 comments
Hello!) I need help with use leaflet-draw. Tell me, please, I use Angular 6, I want to set points on the polygon during component initialization that the user can change.
Hello!) I am sorry for my question, I have found answer, thank you for your work)
Closing cause it sounds like the issue is resolved. Thanks!
Can you please link to where you found the solution? Thanks.
Can you please link to where you found the solution? Thanks.
I used this settings in component:
` @input() pointsCoor: any[];
map: L.Map;
lay: L.Layer[] = [];
editableLayers = new L.FeatureGroup();
coord: any[];
drawOptions = {
position: 'topright',
draw: false,
edit: {featureGroup: this.editableLayers, remove: false}
onMapReady(map: L.Map) {
onDrawReady(drawControl: L.Control.Draw) {, (e) => {
in view
<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 400px;"
Can you please link to where you found the solution? Thanks.
and I have found some example
you can use it
onDrawReady(drawControl: L.Control.Draw) {, (e) => {
Hello, Could you add more detail please? I am in trouble for edit polygon and get the update coordinates. My difference is L.polygon. I have added cootdinates and options into that. The polygon has show up on the map but can not edited.
var polygonJson =L.polygon (select,{
fillColor: result.color,
fillOpacity: 0.5,
color: result.color,
fill: true,
And the html;
style="height: 100vh;"
<div [leafletLayer]="drawnItems"></div>
My question is hot [leafletDrawOptions]="drawOptions" edit L.polygon?