Compile With Ivy fails
Frooger opened this issue · 7 comments
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I'm using:
angular 11.0.7
leaflet 1.7.1
ngx-leaflet 8.1.0
rxjs 6.6.3
I changed the angular compiler from View Engine to Ivy and notice an Error on ng build --prod --aot
Error: Symbol LeafletDirective declared in /node_modules/@asymmetrik/ngx-leaflet/dist/leaflet/core/leaflet.directive.d.ts is not exported from @asymmetrik/ngx-leaflet/dist/leaflet/leaflet.module (import into .../myComponent.component.ts)
Can somebody help ?
For Angular 10, the recommendation for components (I think) was to disable Ivy when building the component library. I need to dig into the docs for v11 to understand if this has changed. This should hopefully be soon.
Oki, Im not sure i did it get. I downgraded now to Angular 10. But do you plan leaflet be useable with the ivy Compiler in the future ?
I am working on a solution now. The plan is to support Ivy projects.
Thx 👍
So, I've dug into this more. I thought originally it was cause I've got my own homemade build that doesn't use ng-packagr. But, I went back and wasn't able to reproduce this error with a fresh created Angular 11 project and the latest ngx-leaflet library.
I'm able to successfully serve the dev server and build the prod/aot build.
Is this a new repo? Are you sure you're running the right version of the angular cli globally and/or in the project?
Can you recreate this issue in a standalone repo you can share with me?
Hi @reblace thanks you so much for the support !
do you could share the repo with me where you tested it maybe i can then reproduce the error or find out why I get the error in my private repo.