
File not assigned to the input when using dropzone

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When using this options:

    autoUpload: false,
    replaceFileInput: false

If I click on the file input and select a file, I can see the filename properly set to the file input.
I can even submit the form without using the upload API and the server will receive the file.

But if I use the same config using a dropzone:

    autoUpload: false,
    replaceFileInput: false,
    dropZone: $('#myEl')

If I drop a file in the dropzone element, the file input is still displayed as empty.
If I submit the form without using the upload API and the server will receive nothing.

Is it possible to assign the file to the input using dropZone option?

Hi @Seb33300, unfortunately it is not possible to attach an existing File object to a file input - this is a browser limitation.
However you can still upload files without a form, e.g. using the API: