
Another fork ...

troglobit opened this issue · 2 comments


just wanted to let you know I've created another fork of thttpd, included all your patches and quite a few more: gzip deflate, keep-alive, and HTTPS using OpenSSL/LibreSSL.

All the best

not sure why we need another fork, but meh. i did this because i got too much pushback from gentoo users who wanted to keep it going. if the coverage on your fork is big enough to ensure you're not introducing regressions, i don't see why we shouldn't just switch over. having said that, what is your fork providing the people should want?

I wasn't really aiming for a "meh" ... but you're right, I have no test coverage to speak of, probably lots of regressions and there's a lot of other changes both big and small compared to the original. So likely nothing of interest to your users, sorry.