
Issue with Globals Encryption

KoMaR1911 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi i'm having issue with Globals Encryption - compiler don't show any errors but strings are wrong I'm compiling python 2.7.18 lib on windows I'm using obfuscation only on 1 specific .c file
I tryed with -onlystr too but doesn't help

Looking how to function looks like in IDA Dissasembler


Then after all lib compiled in .exe returns random strings

If more informations needed ask me i can provide :)

Well, that's what the GlobalsEncryption is excepted to do. This pass encrypt strings in the program at compile time and decrypt strings at run time, hiding the plain strings.

or did it break down at run time?

Well, that's what the GlobalsEncryption is excepted to do. This pass encrypt strings in the program at compile time and decrypt strings at run time, hiding the plain strings.

or did it break down at run time?

Yes but problem is this is compiled to .lib then im linking it to .exe on windows i can provide .exe on Discord