
a version for startups and smaller businesses

fadi123go opened this issue · 4 comments

I find your app targeted at manufacturing enerprises. Smaller businesses only need basic accounting features, ability to create invoices , basic crm and inventory management .They do not need all these unnecessary fields , all these serial codes. They usually deal with a dozen of products and sell to less than a hundred customers. They may need basic shipping features .Addressing this issue , if you like the idea off course, will take a long time . Blueseer should come in two versions enterprise , the current one , and startup, the one I propose. It is up to you if you have the time.

The fact that you recognize it as an 'enterprise' level software is a good thing. :) But to your point, it does have a lot of features that are not necessarily useful for mom-n-pop type shops. However, just because the extra fields are there, doesn't mean you have to use them. Only a few fields in each menu (item, customer, order, etc) are actually mandatory...the rest are there for various levels of decision control and interopability with other menus depending on the sophistication of which the package is deployed. So, you can use what you need and ignore the fields you don't need. Check out the documentation PDF for more info on the various menus.

But is there a way to hide those fields, like an edit window link in each window and when you click it , the same window shows but with check boxes beside optional fields . Uncheck what you want to hide. Can you add a major feature like this . Users will then be able to scale it down or up to their liking. Easily editable forms is what I am proposing .

unfortuanately no...there is no way to hide the fields. What you are proposing would require a complete refactor of the UI from scratch...and that is not likely to happen.

Thanks a lot Mr Vaughn.