
Mysql Install

coxced opened this issue · 6 comments

I have work past all the errors but this one, Got any ideas!
I've done this

show global variables like 'local_infile';
set global local_infile = 'ON';

"NOTE!!!: This script should only be executed ONCE. This script will blow away the previous database and data and install a clean schema with default data."
Previous Data will be lost...are you sure you want to install database? (enter: yes or no):yes
Enter the database server IP addr (ex: or localhost):localhost
Enter the administrator password for the MySQL Database:********
Enter the two character language code (en,de,fr,es,tr,etc):en
"creating bs.cfg file...."
"creating temp my.cnf..."
"creating database schema...."
"loading user account...."
"loading 'some' default records for tables from language pack en....."
ERROR 3948 (42000) at line 1 in file: 'sq_mysql.txt': Loading local data is disabled; this must be enabled on both the client and server sides
"finished install..."
"Login = 'admin' and Password = 'admin'"
"Click the login.bat file in the BlueSeer Directory to log in"

I'm using windows 10

Thanks, Cedric

You're real close....the answer is up above in your comment. The error is steming from the security feature of MySQL that prevents loading local data. Open a mysql prompt...and type:

show global variables like 'local_infile';

if it is off or blank...then type:

set global local_infile = 'ON';

then run the show global variables like 'local_infile' should see it turned on.
Then...rerun the script. It should move beyond the ERROR 3948.

Note...I've also seen solutions of :
set global local_infile = 1;
set global local_infile = True;
...but in the end when you run "show global variables like 'local_infile' " should be 'ON'. It should then allow you to run it.

Ok now ive got this error 1366 (HY000)

"loading 'some' default records for tables from language pack en....."
ERROR 1366 (HY000) at line 12 in file: 'sq_mysql.txt': Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'edd_eledelim' at row 1
"finished install..."
"Login = 'admin' and Password = 'admin'"
"Click the login.bat file in the BlueSeer Directory to log in"

yeah...that looks like a bug I just introduced with a recent upload. I've updated the data file in the project source with a proper integer value. For a quick fix....Do the following:
download sf/data/en/edidoc.csv from the source repository and overwrite the same file in your install directory at: blueseer/data/en/edidoc.csv ....then rerun the script.
It will complete after that. I'll upload a fresh install package later today if you want to take that route.

I've updated the blueseer-mysql package with the corrected data file....edidoc.csv.

Thanks, That took care of it: