
Explain how to generate a bearer token

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Explain how to generate a bearer token here: or update endpoints to publicly accessible ones that don't require bearer tokens

This is huge - the ability to call the api right from the docs is great but there is no obvious docs for how to get the bearer token that enables this for much of the api.

💯 agree with this issue 👍

What I discover from community examples (example) is that the api seems directly available from agent.api scope,

Out of error this not appears in the doc or else I completely miss that point (that is possible :p).

Here is a simple example on how to call getPreferences() api without having to deal with token.

        // service, loginOptions
        const agent = new BskyAgent({service})
        const response = await;
        console.log(`response`, JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));

It would be great to have at least a little trigger like this in http reference introduction

(+ of course explain how to get bearer token from agent : seems to be loginResponse::accessJwt)