
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Repo for generating projector image for an desired output at the image plane. Check /code folder for up-to-date code, if no /data folder is created, create one under /projector


Install miniconda: https://docs.anaconda.com/miniconda/, then install the preconfigured environment as follows:

conda env create --name envname --file=environments.yml

Activate environment:

conda activate -n envname

Add env kernel (and use that kernel for following notebooks):

python -m ipykernel install --user --name=projector

For julia packages, please refer to correspondong notebooks.


  1. (optional) Generate calibration image image_dmd.npy
  2. Take off the ir filter, project the calibration image (keep the pattern on):
python3 projector_dmd.py

After the code above, collect background image, turn off the gui after 5s. If you don't see grating patterns, maybe the display is eaxctly out of phase, try rerunning the code above.

evt-viewer evt_bg_collection.h5
  1. Generate calibration background image using calibration_make_bg.ipynb
  2. Put the chamber on, save the background image again
evt-viewer evt_bg_collection.h5
  1. Generate chamber background image using chamber_make_bg.ipynb
  2. Solve geometries with detect_chamber_bg.ipynb using results from chamber_make_bg.ipynb
  3. Define rois in save_roi.ipynb
  4. Solve projective transformation in projective transformation.ipynb
  5. Turn off the pattern of calibration image, project the roi image using results from projective_transformation.ipynb
python3 projector_roi.py