
App blunt lists itself as a dependency

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey, thanks a lot for an awesome work on cqrs_tools and blunt. I want to migrate from cqrs_tools to blunt in my project but still getting above error. I'm assuming it's because reorganized version it's not available yet but I can't use previous version as it looks like it's not compatible with ecto 3.8. So my question here is when then new version will come live to use it? Thanks a lot again.

If I can help in some way and contribute just let me know, I'll be happy to help :D

I apologize for not seeing this before.

These libraries have not been released to hex yet.

I currently list the dependencies as follows:

      {:blunt, github: "blunt-elixir/blunt", ref: "reorg", sparse: "apps/blunt", override: true},
      {:blunt_data, github: "blunt-elixir/blunt", ref: "reorg", sparse: "apps/blunt_data", override: true},
      {:blunt_ddd, github: "blunt-elixir/blunt", ref: "reorg", sparse: "apps/blunt_ddd", override: true},
      {:blunt_absinthe, github: "blunt-elixir/blunt", ref: "reorg", sparse: "apps/blunt_absinthe", override: true},
       github: "blunt-elixir/blunt", ref: "reorg", sparse: "apps/blunt_absinthe_relay", override: true},