
outTanCtrl not found in maya cmds.

kmarcinowski opened this issue · 3 comments

I've compiled .mll for Maya 2018 but can not build the rig using"".
There is no such function in maya cmds as "outTanCtrl" <- which seems correct at least with default one.
Could you please advise me a bit on how I should proceed with that?

# Error: AttributeError: file <maya console> line 138: 'module' object has no attribute 'outTanCtrl' #
Line 138:
outTanCtrl = cmds.outTanCtrl(radius=v, constructionHistory=False)[0]

Thank you in advance,

Ah, that just looks like a find/replace gone bad.
I can't actually test this fix right now, but that line should probably be:
outTanCtrl =, constructionHistory=False)[0]

Thank you ;) That was it!

Ok, committed a fix to this (among other things)