
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'path' in 'node_modules/nice-select2'

frugan-dev opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Hi, I am using Webpack 5 and I am experiencing this error.
Has anyone tested this library with Webpack 5?


import NiceSelect from "nice-select2/dist/js/nice-select2";
import "nice-select2/dist/css/nice-select2.css";

try this


import NiceSelect from "nice-select2/dist/js/nice-select2"; import "nice-select2/dist/css/nice-select2.css";

try this

Thanks! You saved my day

I guess this error is, because the main key in package.json is pointing to webpack.config

The main field should point to the entry point of the lib. Normally it is an index.js or something like that.

I guess this error is, because the main key in package.json is pointing to webpack.config

The main field should point to the entry point of the lib. Normally it is an index.js or something like that.

Yep, you are right

I still get the same issue even with the "main" key pointing to the js file. The solution to import from the /src directory directly works though. ๐Ÿคท