
multiple initiating in Modal

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I am using it in multiples modal items, with the same class,
but each modal has it's datas, so if i open one modal, and open another onea again, then it would appeared twice, if i open another modal again it would again appeared, i used empty(); function to empty it but it does not work.
i am using it direct from ajax

<select name="category" id="edit-wish-cats" class="wide"> </select>

this is the html

` function initSelect2(id, type, pid ='') {

var selectID = $("#"+id);
let ids = '';
var isID = pid.length > 0;
if(isID) {
  ids = pid;

if(selectID) {
        type: 'POST',
        url: ajaxURL,
        headers: {
            'X-CSRF-TOKEN': csrfToken
        data: {
          action : 'getselect',
          type: type,
          id: ids,
        success: function(html){
             NiceSelect.bind(document.getElementById(id), {searchable:true});

        error: function (xhr, status, error) {
          console.log(xhr.responseText || error);


this is the JS in function i called function here

initSelect2('edit-wish-cats', 'wishlists_types', data.wish_cat);

Screenshot 04-03-2024 04 18 31