
What is the difference between lib-python and blynk-library-python?

Yadro opened this issue · 3 comments

Yadro commented
What is the difference between lib-python and blynk-library-python?

Main intentions of lib-python creation were:

  • re-organize/summarize existing community development and place updated code under official branch
  • provide full support of different MicroPython ports
  • focus on HowTo documentation and detailed comments/schemas within examples to ease user start up and library usage

P.S If you will face with any lib-python limitation/issue - just let me know. I will try to do my best to fix them.

Trying to get this working with micropython on the xbee3 cellular modules .... and it looks like its running out of memory

MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating %u bytes

Trying to get this working with micropython on the xbee3 cellular modules .... and it looks like its running out of memory

MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating %u bytes

Please find my reply in separate thread.