Feature Request: Keyboard Shortcut to hide and show
Strat919 opened this issue · 15 comments
Please add a user configurable Keyboard shortcut to show and hide this addon. I use a program called Taskbar Hide 3.1.1 to accomplish this but it is something that has to be set up every time the Hudbar is used..... which is all the time:) Don't know how hard it would be, or even possible, but if the Hudbar became hidden when MSFS2020 is not the active window.
Also it would be great if there were keyboard shortcuts to change profiles but can be easily done by right clicking on Hudbar.
It will be a sad day if I were to update MSFS2020 and this didn't work:)
Keep up the fantastic work and I really do appreciate this mod!
Hi - great to hear..
Next Rel will have the possibilty to Hide/Show with fixed shortcut RCtrl+NumPad0
Also switching profiles with RCtrl+NumPad1..5 (those shortcuts currently not default used in MSFS)
User configurable shortcuts is may be available in a later stage, making such a config GUI is a bit complicated..
I cannot see if MSFS is active or not - so automatically hiding is not possible/ and may be not wanted by all.
I will do some more testing and then upload a release here in a day or two.
Will look into the topic..
And on this site the package can be found under Releases. It is the main hub for me..
Open Assest and get the Zip File - it is the same as I will later upload to the FlightSim site.
I assume it is because I need to capture the Keyboard at lowest level to have it also when the App does not have the focus.
But JoyToKey may inject the keystrokes above and therefore the App does not see them.
There are other ways to capture the Windows Key inputs - only they are not so recommended (as I read)
The question is really where JoyToKey inserts the keys...
I will have a look if I can find out.
I will exchange the Keyboard capture - the RawInput used will only capture from real attached keyboards or emulations that are connected as HID devices and not from Sent Keystrokes - which is what most such Tools will do (did it myself..)
Just wait a moment..
You may give it a try - it is V0.38 B34
Just go to Assets and get the Zip again.
Implemented and closed