
a place to put work-in-progress and one-off utilities i tend to use personally

Primary LanguageJavaScript

bruce's personal constantly in-progress utilities


  • async-pool-factory - create a pool to limit number of concurrent async functions
  • clone - clone objects recursively. handles 99% fairly well.
  • combinations - generate combinations of n items taken m at a time.
  • configuration - the start of a configuration utility to handle env vars and command-line.
  • debounce - a generic debouncer (time and/or count)
  • permutations - generate permutations of elements in an array
  • random - a seedable random number generator
  • rotate - rotate an array
  • set-operations - half-baked set manipulation. needs some work.
  • simple-traverse - traverses JSON-decoded objects
  • stats - basic statistical functions
  • time-queue - use a single timer to handle any number of timeouts.


  • quick-look.sh - looks at repos in my source structure to summarize statuses