
Symbol’s function definition is void: user-action-sequence

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I encounter the following error message whenever I do "M-x gptel" and choose the default buffer to create ChatGPT. 100% reproducible for me.

helm-M-x-execute-command: Symbol’s function definition is void: user-action-sequence

I digged into it a bit. The error occurs in purpose--action-function, It seems that alist for user-action-sequence key becomes (user-action-sequence pop-to-buffer) instead of solely (pop-to-buffer). I'm not sure if the purpose-display-buffer-advice is applied twice or some function like display-buffer was called recursively (#140 ) or not, but that happens in this particular case for me.

The following is the purpose message, which looks pretty useful.

Purpose display: Buffer: #<buffer *helm M-x*>; Alist: ((window-height . 0.4) (window-width . 0.6) (side . bottom) (inhibit-same-window . t)) [2 times]
Purpose display: Buffer: #<buffer *helm-mode-gptel*>; Alist: ((window-height . 0.4) (window-width . 0.6) (side . bottom) (inhibit-same-window . t))
Purpose display: Buffer: #<buffer *ChatGPT*>; Alist: ((user-action-sequence pop-to-buffer))
trying: pop-to-buffer
pop-to-buffer advice
Purpose display: Buffer: #<buffer *ChatGPT*>; Alist: ((user-action-sequence user-action-sequence pop-to-buffer))
trying: user-action-sequence
helm-M-x-execute-command: Symbol’s function definition is void: user-action-sequence
Purpose display: Buffer: #<buffer *helm mini*>; Alist: ((window-height . 0.4) (window-width . 0.6) (side . bottom) (inhibit-same-window . t))

Emacs version: 29.4 (But it happened on 29.3 as well)

I'm having the same issue. I found the issue reported to gptel here. That issue is reported for spacemacs which uses purpose. A spacemacs workaround was merged here.

I'm not crazy about the workaround, and I'm also not using spacemacs.

FYI, in the case of gptel, Spacemacs has layer that workaround this issue and documentation on gptel is updated.
